Juego de bolas de sauce, calabaza y hierba acuática
X1 bola de hierba de calabaza tejida
X1 bola de sauce pelada
Diseño de cuerda X1, bola de hierba acuática
¡100% seguro, delicioso y divertido para tu amigo peludo! Ideal para mantener los dientes en forma y acabar con el aburrimiento.
Las pelotas de actividad aumentan el movimiento de tus mascotas mientras las persiguen, por lo que son uno de los mejores juguetes para regalar.
Producido de forma sostenible y ética. ¡Todo libre de químicos y pegamento!
Roer Sauce ayuda a mantener los dientes limpios y en buen estado.
La calabaza y el pasto acuático son pastos extremadamente populares y saludables que contribuyen a la salud y el bienestar general de tus amigos peludos. Contiene muchos nutrientes.
Todo apto para Conejos, Cobayas, Ratones, Ratas y Chinchillas entre muchos otros.
Benefits of Enrichment Toys
Frequently Asked Questions
There are a few factors to keep in mind when introducing new toys. Consider their preferences and natural behaviors, such as chewing, digging, foraging, and exploring. Before introducing the new toys, rub them with hay or bedding material to transfer familiar scents onto the toys. This can help make the toys more appealing to your rabbit.
Yes! Rabbits' teeth continuously grow throughout their lives, and regular chewing helps wear down their teeth to prevent overgrowth. Enrichment toys that encourage chewing, such as wooden toys, cardboard tubes, or safe chew sticks, provide rabbits with appropriate outlets for this behaviour.
Yes, always! Whether it's palm, banana husk, corn husk, or other materials, we are committed to non-toxic and rabbit-safe ingredients.
A good enrichment toy for rabbits should be safe, stimulating, and cater to their natural behaviors. Enrichment toys should provide mental and physical stimulation for rabbits. Look for toys that encourage natural behaviors such as chewing, digging, foraging, and exploring.